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Syncretic index

Anna Kibort & Greville G. Corbett

A syncretic index allows reference to a form which does not correspond to a morphosyntactic value - specifically, where the form corresponds to a set of values (syncretism). We need to capture combinations of morphosemantic or morphosyntactic feature specifications which are treated morphologically as a single unit. Through syncretic index we capture the generalisation that the same pattern of syncretism is found across distinct parts of the paradigm. For discussion and references to further literature, see Corbett & Baerman (2006).


How to cite this entry:

Kibort, Anna & Greville G. Corbett. "Syncretic index." Grammatical Features. 7 January 2008.

Content last updated 7 January 2008
Page last modified 16 January 2010
Maintained by Anna Kibort
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